Red Black Roulette

Red Black Roulette Average ratng: 3,9/5 7900 reviews
  1. Bet On Black Roulette
  2. Best Red Black Roulette Strategy
  3. Red Black Roulette Bet

I was reading about a bet method on a published system for a different game and it seems to be worth trying on roulette. Especially for you lucky punters that have access to non-zero roulette. Or even single zero with “la partage”.

A European Roulette table has one zero (green), 18 red and 18 black slots. In total there are 37 slots for the roulette ball to land on. The odds that the Roulette ball will land on red is 18/37 = 48.6%. The odds that the ball will land on red two times in a row is 48.6% x 48.6% = 23.6%. Roulette offers a bewildering number of betting options, but the bets are actually straightforward enough. In order to make sure you get the correct payout, you’ll want to make sure that you put your chips in exactly the right place on the table. Red or Black – This bet pays out even odds (1 to 1) if the ball lands on the color you.

The bet selection is your choice. This bet method is based on Oscar’s Grind. That is, we increase our bet amount after a win and we keep it the same after a loss.
We have to keep track of 3 numbers. Units Lost, current bet size and a running total to be able to know when we’ve reached our win target. Losses starts out as 0, bet size starts out as 1 and of course running total starts out at zero. Every time we lose we increase Losses by the amount lost and the bet amount remains unchanged. Every time we win we increase the bet amount by 1 unit and we decrease Losses by the amount won. Every time we lose 2 times in a row, we stop betting until we have a virtual win then we start betting for real at the unit amount of the last bet we made.

For many players using a red and black roulette system strategy, the reverse Martingale is a favoured choice (between the two). This is a positive progression betting system which works the opposite way: you increase your wagers on winning rounds and decrease on losing bets. Jun 29, 2020 The list of our roulette strategies is long, so what we are going to do here is list all the systems that are attracted to red and black betting. It is important to remember that Red and Black have the same problems as odd / Even and 1-18 / 19-36, so all of these systems can be used for in-bets. The red hits 4 more times so I have a win of 40.00, a total win of 90.00 at this point. I continue to bet red but the first color of the third series is a black, so I lose and move right to the next color in my betting series to bet the color black. A total win of 100.00 at this point.

This is a means of trying to prevent large streaks of losses from wiping us out. It is off-set by the reality that we may skip wins and come back to play and catch 2 more losses. If we do this once that’s 4 losses in a row, and twice is 6 losses in a row. But all in all I think stopping after 2 losses and waiting for the losing streak to end is a safer idea.

The only reason we keep track of losses is that we have a chart that comes into play after we’ve won 2 times in a row. This tells us what to bet based on how many units we are down. Using this chart is entirely optional.

Units down Bet Amount
1-3 1
4-6 2
7-9 3
10 + 4

This chart accomplishes 2 things. First, it causes us to increase our bet size more rapidly if we just had a long stretch of losses and it lets us reduce our bet size if we’re betting larger units but have recovered most or all of our losses.

4 units is the largest bet we will be making and if we lose a 4 unit bet, we end that attack and re-set losses to 0 and bet size to 1. I also suggest that you re-set any time you reach a new high bank amount. That’s the basic skeleton of the bet method. It can be adjusted to suit your personal preferences. For example you can make a losing bet of 5 or 6 the stop-loss target.

The original version has us adding an extra unit to the losses number for every loss. This gives us some guaranteed profit if we get back to zero. I didn’t include this factor because it’s just as easy to keep track of our total and make decisions accordingly.

Some observations

This is a very controlled money management strategy. It keeps the bets from escalating too high by ending the game on a 4 unit lost bet. This is a very important part of the method. Every bet selection will have periodic losing streaks. We either need to be prepared to bet a long progression, risking large numbers of units to try and stop a loss or we need to be willing to take small losses more often to keep from having to use a long expensive progression.

The above paragraph is in red because it’s the reality of most gambling systems. It has to be come to grips with if you intend to stay sane playing this game. I’m not say that a long progression is dumb, I’m just saying that if you use it, you have to be aware of the pitfalls and be willing to take a really big hit every now and then. Also, it takes a lot of guts to place the larger bet amounts so, “Know thyself” before you try to play using a steep progression.

That’s the method in a nutshell. Use it if you like it,


A minor tweak to this progression

Use any even chance bet selection method you like. Or for simplicity, just pick one of the even chances, such as Red and play Red only. Or if it makes you mad if you happen to pick the wrong color, play follow-the-last. That way you’ll catch all steaks of either color. What you won’t like is RBRBRBRBRBRBR. But, there’s no selection process that doesn’t have a killer sequence.

The bet progression is what I’m presenting here.
We will increase our bet size after 2 wins and we’ll stay the same after a loss. The 2 wins don’t have to be in a row and it doesn’t matter how many losses are between them.

This is a possible sequence:
-1-1-1+1-1-1+1-2-2+2+2-3-3-3+3-3+3+4+4-4 = -5

Here’s a winning sequence:
+1-1-1+1+2+2-3+3+3-4 = +3

4 units is the largest bet we make.
We play until we lose on a 4 unit bet.
We can win many 4 bets but when we lose a 4 unit bet we end the attack plus or minus.

I am tightening up my rules for playing this system.

I have changed the “Chart”. For all of you who have any respect for anything I write, I’m encouraging you to look at this more closely. I suggest this because it is a very solid bet method that gives enough wiggle room to win some units without ever risking too much at one time. I suggest a 40 unit buy-in and a 10 unit win target. As you play it you can adjust these to suit yourself. I will suggest a bet selection method but you can use any even chance method you like.

1. RBRBRBRB etc… Just alternate continuously. This will keep from having long losing stretches most of the time. The rule in the system of ending real betting after 2 losses in a row and then only resuming real betting after a win works well in conjunction with this bet method.

We have to keep track of 3 numbers.
Units Lost
Current bet size
Running total.

Losses start out as 0, bet size starts as 1.

Every time we lose we increase Losses by the amount lost and the bet amount remains unchanged.

Every time we win we increase the bet amount by 1 unit and we decrease Losses by the amount won.

Every time we lose 2 times in a row, we stop betting until we have a virtual win then we start betting again.

The only reason we keep track of losses is that we have a chart that comes into play after we’ve won 2 times in a row. This tells us what to bet based on how many units we are down.

Units down Bet Amount
1-2 1
3-4 2
5-6 3
7-8 4
9 or more 5*
Continue to bet based on the chart as long as you are winning or until you reach 0, 1.

As soon as you lose a bet from the chart, you go back to the normal betting rules.

This chart accomplishes 2 things. First, it causes us to increase our bet size more rapidly if we just had a long stretch of losses and it lets us reduce our bet size if we’re betting larger units but have recovered most or all of our losses.

*Note: This is the only time we will ever bet 5 units. It’s when we have won 2 times in a row and we go to the chart and we’re down 9 units or more, then and only then can we bet 5 units. Never more than 5 units. Any time we lose a 5 unit bet we end the session and take our loss.

4 units is the largest bet we will make other then the 5 unit bet when using the chart. If we lose a 4 unit bet, we also end that attack and re-set losses to 0 and bet size to 1. Re-set everything any time you reach a new profit. That will be when the running total = +1.

You can stop looking for a better even chance system. There are none. There may be others as good, but none better. You can be fooled by long progressions, but they are just smoke and mirrors. In the end, the closer you stay to a flat bet, the better off you’re going to be.

I’m thinking this is as good as it gets.

Bet On Black Roulette

Especially for baccarat where you have to bet large units.
It can be dialed back to limit the size of our bets even more. We can say that under normal betting when we lose a 3 unit bet we have to reset. That would mean on the chart we’d have to drop the line for the 5 unit bet and say that any draw-down over 7 units results in a 4 unit bet. Any loss on the 4 unit bet causes a termination and overall reset.

When we’re betting from the chart, as long as we win we stay with the chart. If we lose at either 3 or 4 unit bets, this ends the attack, reset. If we win and the chart tell us to bet 2 units and we lose, then we go back to our progression line. I have been having very good results using the alternating bet selection process. The only thing that kills it is to be on the losing side of chops. In this case the stop after 2 losses until a win to resume betting helps stabilize the system.

I’m always trying to tweak it to be better. It actually does well if we go to the chart after every win instead of waiting for 2 wins in a row. Also using the chart after 2 wins but not necessarily in a row works also.

When you test a session, check and see if alternating R/B or B/P does as well, worse or better than the bet selection you used. Also, see if one of the options sending us to the chart more frequently helps any. Or, don’t mess with it at all. It works fine as is! I just need to leave well enough alone.


Roulette-Bet comment: We don’t know about the STOP-RESTART idea of this system, but we DO LIKE the progression. Also you can minimize your win target to just two units instead of five.

How do the red and black wagers work, and how do the odds and payouts stack up against other roulette bets? We’ll show you how to place them, house edge, and strategy.

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One of the great things about playing roulette is the spread of betting options available. Inside bets, outside bets and call bets offer different degrees of risk and reward, which is why all kinds of punters – raw beginners, seasoned veterans and high rollers alike – enjoy the devil’s wheel.

For many gamblers, however, it boils down to a simple choice: red or black?

This is the easiest way to bet on roulette, and a great option for new players who want to experience the game without taking a huge amount of risk.

Red and black numbers in roulette

The roulette wheel features either 37 or 38 pockets, depending on whether it is a single-zero game (European) or a double-zero game (American). The remaining pockets are numbered up to 36, with half coloured red and the other half coloured black.

In the vast majority roulette games, the pockets are assigned like so:

Red black roulette system

Red numbers – 1, 3, 5, 7, 9, 12, 14, 16, 18, 19, 21, 23, 25, 27, 30, 32, 34, 36

Black numbers – 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 11, 13, 15, 17, 20, 22, 24, 26, 28, 29, 31, 33, 35

A bet on red wins if the ball finished on one of the red numbers, while a bet on black covers all the black numbers. For example: if you pick red and the result is 16, you win; but if you choose red and 22 black comes up, you lose.

Note the zero (and the double zero in US roulette) is not included in either the black or red bets. Zeroes are usually coloured green and are said to belong ‘to the house’.

How to bet on red or black

Every standard roulette game features a betting layout which allows players to wager on certain outcomes by placing their chips in betting boxes or specific positions. The layout is divided into two main parts: the inside, where the 36 numbers (with zero at the top) are arranged in three columns; and the outside, where players can bet on large groups of numbers with a single wager.

The red and black wagers are located at the centre of the outside betting layout on conventional American, European and Australian roulette tables, in between the odd and even bets and directly below the second dozen (‘2nd 12’) option. This is also the case at most online casinos.

Traditional French roulette layouts are slightly different, with red on one side of the number grid and black on the other. To bet on one or the other, place your chips either in the box with the red diamond or in the box with the black diamond.

Payout odds for even money wagers

The red and black wagers are outside bets, as they cover large groups of numbers at a time. More specifically, they belong in the ‘even money’ category alongside four other options: odd, even, low (1-18) and high (19-36). All six of these bets cover exactly 18 numbers each and pay odds of 1 to 1 (i.e. even money) for a win.

For example: if we bet $10 on black and win, we keep our original wager and collect a $10 profit; but if we bet $10 on red and lose, the croupier claims our stake and we get nothing in return.

While even-money options such as red and black pay less than any other bets in roulette, they remain among the most popular wagers on the table. That’s because outside bets hit far more frequently than inside wagers.

Look at the numbers: the probability of red or black winning in single-zero roulette is 48.6 per cent, compared to only 2.7 per cent for any single number. So if you want to win more often, the 1 to 1 bets are the way to go.

Bet typePayout oddsWin probability (EUR)Win probability (US)
Red/black1 to 148.6%47.4%
Even/odd1 to 148.6%47.4%
1-18/19-361 to 148.6%47.4%
Dozens2 to 132.4%31.6%
Columns2 to 132.4%31.6%
Six line5 to 116.2%15.8%
Corner8 to 110.8%10.5%
Street11 to 18.1%7.9%
Split17 to 15.4%5.3%
Single number35 to 12.7%2.6%

House edge on red and black roulette bets

Best Red Black Roulette Strategy

The house edge represents the percentage of total money wagered a player can expect to lose over time in any given casino game. For example: if the house edge is 10 per cent, a punter will lose around $10 out of every $100 staked in the long run. In roulette these figures are calculated by comparing the actual payout odds against the true probability of winning a bet.


The casino’s precise advantage on red and black depends on the specific format being played. In standard single-zero European roulette games, the house edge on all wagers is 2.70 per cent; in double-zero American roulette, however, that number rises to 5.26 per cent.

This is because the house edge in outside bets is derived solely from the zero pockets, which are not included in even-money wagers, dozens or columns. Thus, the extra ‘house pocket’ (00) on the US roulette wheel means the player’s expected losses are almost double that of a single-zero layout.

Play French roulette for better odds

For the lowest possible house edge on black and red wagers, find an old-school French roulette table which uses imprisonment rules. Games offering ‘la partage’ or ‘en prison’ allow players to reclaim half their original stake on even-money bets should the ball finish on zero, which brings the house edge down to only 1.35 per cent.

Red Black Roulette Bet

Unfortunately, French-style layouts are all but impossible to find at land-based Australian casinos. If you play roulette online and are from a country where online casinos are legal, however, there are one or two titles out there which offer imprisonment rules. Our favourite is the simply titled French Roulette by Microgaming, which is available at – among our most trusted online roulette casinos.