Roulette Line

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  1. Play Roulette For Money
  2. Roulette Line Strategy
  3. Russian Roulette Line Distribution

Roulette Edu is a roulette website hosting free Flash roulette games including American Roulette and European Roulette. Roulette is a casino game named after the French word meaning little wheel.In the game, players may choose to place bets on either a single number, various groupings of numbers, the colors red or black, whether the number is odd or even, or if the numbers are high (19–36) or low (1–18). If you decide to carry out this Six Line roulette system with an initial bet of $1, you will need $39 balance. With $5, as with our example, you would need a bankroll of $195. With initial bet of $10, you would need $390 and etc. Read more useful information and all our roulette strategies by visiting our roulette section. French Roulette as well as American and European are very popular among gamblers worldwide. Nowadays you don’t have to travel anywhere searching a brick-and-mortar casino to gamble a roulette. It is much easier to visit an online gambling establishment because any of it has French Roulette! But online roulette strategies involve way more than deciding on what to bet, whether you decide to try roulette online, free or for real money. These strategies involve how to bet after a win and a loss. There are countless strategies to list here and you can test them out by playing roulette on your computer for free.

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Free Roulette Games

  • Classic Roulette

    Roulette is a famous game, purely based on chance and originated in France in the 19th century. The present variation of roulette as we know nowadays differs from the original…

  • Mini Roulette

    Roulette has another popular version of its game, mini roulette. This game isn’t an isolated game, it is however more a simplified version of the European roulette game containing also…

  • French Roulette

    One of the most popularly played casino games is the French roulette or European Roulette. The game makes use of a roulette wheel and a betting grid. Basically, the European…

  • Roulette

    The word roulette is French for “small wheel.” Although the origins of the game have not been clearly discussed, it is believed that the first roulette came from England in…

Latest Roulette News

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Professional poker player and world star Phil Ivey is being sued for an allegedly card counting scheme that win him $9.6 m in baccarat at a Atlantic City casino. Phil...

Introduction of Riverboat Roulette

April 8, 2014

Last week Tuesday, April 1st 2014, Golden Gate casino and resort debuted the first version of Riverboat Roulette to feature on American soil. Riverboat roulette is a variation of roulette...

Roulette Line

March Madness, Sporting or Gambling Event?

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In the United States of America, March plays host to one of the country’s biggest sporting events, March Madness. March Madness is a Basketball tournament featuring the best semi-professional university...

Live Roulette

Roulette Videos

Never played roulette online before? A long-time player who has experienced dizziness from watching the wheel spin so many times? Regardless of your roulette experience, our knowledgeable team of experts think you’ll find their top five online roulette strategy tips helpful.

  • Gain a bigger edge by playing European roulette

Play Roulette For Money


Roulette Line Strategy

Forget American roulette and stick with European roulette for more favorable odds. Our experts win on a more frequent basis playing the European variant thanks to its house edge of 2.7%, as opposed to the American variant’s 5.26% house edge.

  • Pick a roulette system that won’t see you go bust

No roulette system can guarantee that you will be a winner, but some are far more volatile than others. Our experts like the Martingale system. The odds of winning big might be low, but so are the odds of blowing your bankroll.

  • Place a combination of inside and outside bets

Our experts suggest mixing things up by combining inside and outside bets when you play roulette for real money. Inside bets are tougher to land but deliver greater payouts, while outside bets pay less but offer more favorable odds of winning.

  • Manage your bankroll by playing games with set limits

Russian Roulette Line Distribution

We’ve all been there. You lose on a series of bets in succession and feel the urge to bet even bigger. Before you know it, your whole bankroll is gone. To avoid this, our experts recommend sticking to online roulette tables that offer capped betting amounts.

  • Claim a bumper bonus at a great roulette casino

Our recommended roulette online casinos dish out the best bonuses on the market. Our experts suggest taking advantage of them to make your money go further. You’ll often double your deposit amount to enable you to play roulette even longer.

Before spending your money, check out our guide to playing real money roulette. Not only do we provide tips on how to get started, we help you find your favorite type of roulette game, walk you through how easy it is to deposit and withdraw money quickly and securely, teach you how to make the best roulette bets, and even how to manage your bankroll.